Monday, October 25, 2010

The Dog Ate My Internet

Honestly, this dog is going to be the death of me. Between her priceless finds, which continue to appear on my deck (and smell like crazy) and her chewing, I'm ready for her to stop this puppy business and just be a lazy dog, like Yellow Dog in the movie Funny Farm.

Anyway, my lack of posting is two fold. Mainly, it's the lack of the connection to the 21st century, thanks to Sadie. But secondly, we are experiencing the surprise, exhaustion, and excitement of welcoming a fourth farm kid to our brood! Yep, you read that right...we're expecting!! Baby #4 will be arriving in late May hopefully by the time planting is complete. I'm hoping for he or she to stay in the "oven" until Joe is done, as I don't really want to drive myself to the hospital.

In other news, harvest is days away from being completed, and thanks to a nice shower on Saturday and a little one yesterday, the dust has settled; my mums have received a well deserved drink (I've been lazy), and Joe was able to attend not one, but two weiner roasts with us this weekend (he loves hot dogs!).

Life is good.

Now, let's just hope I can stay connected to keep up the countdown until the end of harvest!


  1. Congratulations! So I guess you succombed to the Webel pressure that you must have 4 children? If I remember correctly, I believe your sister in laws told you 3 is for wimps! Ha! Congratulations to you both! Very exciting! I wish you the best.

    Feeling your pain on Sadie. My Sadie can be a challenging puppy at times too! I'm shocked you have mums, I didn't bother with those after she destroyed many of my pumpkins on display!

  2. Congratulations on the upcoming new baby! I also like that "the dog ate my internet." I may have to use that excuse at some point in the future.

  3. Congratulations on baby #4!!! I keep telling my husband this is what I have planned and he keeps shaking his head...
